
 What is Counters?

The Counter is a digital sequential logic circuit which is used for a counting pulse is known as a counter. The Counter is the widest application of using flip-flops. Those are utilized in almost all computers and digital electronics systems. It is a set of flip-flops with a clock signal applied.

Types of counters

The counters can be mainly divided into two parts.

Asynchronous Counters

The Asynchronous counters are known as those whose output is free from the clock signal. That's why the flip flops in asynchronous counters are provided with different clock pulses, there may be a delay in performing output, and also for design the asynchronous counters less number of logic gates are enough. It is easy to create and as well as called “Ripple counters”.There are different types of Asynchronous counters in digital electronics.
  • 4 bit Asynchronous UP counter
  • 4 bit Asynchronous DOWN counter
  • 4 bit Asynchronous UP / DOWN counter

3 - Bit Asynchronous Counter

The Truth Table of  3 - Bit Asynchronous Counter

The Timing Diagram of  3 - Bit Asynchronous Counter


The Logic Circuit Diagram of  3 - Bit Asynchronous Counter


Synchronous Counters

The synchronous counter is the contrast to an asynchronous counter and also one whose output bits change state simultaneously without a ripple. The way of creating a Synchronous counter circuit from T flip-flops is to connect all the clock inputs together. After that, every flip-flop receives the exact same clock pulse at the right time.

3 - Bit Synchronous Counter

The State Diagram of  3 - Bit Synchronous Counter

The Truth Table of  3 - Bit Synchronous Counter


The Logic Circuit Diagram of  3 - Bit Synchronous Counter

